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Even the happiest of children can become anxious in times like this.  Having their daily routine altered, being quarantined away from family and friends, and seeing so many things change so rapidly can cause unsettled feelings.  We hope these resources will help you navigate through these uncharted waters.


First released in 2019, this podcast, Helping Kids Navigate Anxiety, is so relevant to our situation today.  Join Sissy Goff, Director of Child and Adolescent Counseling at Daystar Counseling Ministries in Nashville, Tennessee, as she shares tools to help kids process anxiety.

Remember, when talking to your children to:

  1. Empower them to be helpers in fighting this disease. Encourage them to wash their hands and not touch their faces; both actions help decrease the spread of the virus.

  2. Truly listen and hear children’s concerns. Let them know that you are listening to them when they voice their feelings of fear and anxiety. Keep lines of communication open.

  3. Model faith formation in everything you do. Include children in every conversation. Don’t become the expert with all the answers. Admit when you don’t have an answer; pursue an answer together. 

  4. Put God first and others second. Take this time to teach your children compassion for others. Pray for others. Model putting others’ needs before yours.


Sometimes knowing just what to say to your anxious child isn't easy.  The age of your child matters, too, when it comes to knowing what to say.  A conversation with a preschooler is very different than a conversation with an elementary aged child.  These conversation guides will help you to have those conversations.

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